Boosted from: Tim Sherratt

July 08 2024, 03:07

I've brought together some details of the digital history stream at last week's Australian Historical Association conference, including links to various tools and platforms mentioned during the discussions. I'm relying on my memory, so feel free to suggest additions! #histodons

Published by: James Smithies

June 11 2024, 08:24

Thanks @mia! Slow but steady :)

Boosted from: Tim Sherratt

June 11 2024, 05:52

For all the things you want to know about #Trove that the NLA won't tell you, head to the #TroveDataGuide. Sometime in the next week or two I'll be finishing off the current version:

Published by: James Smithies

June 11 2024, 05:27

Our AI as Infrastructure (AIINFRA) project has a website: AIINFRA is an experimental project. The goal is to design and build a prototype open-source LLM tool tailored for transnational (Australia, Aotearoa NZ, UK) histor...